March, 2025
Our Regular Worship Hours Are...
Sunday School - 9:30am
Morning Worship Service -10:45 am
...And Watch our Live Streaming Worship Service on the following platforms:
*Come Worship And Grow With Us*
Men's Fellowship BREAKFAST
SATURDAY, MARCH 22nd @ 9:00am
Join your brothers in Christ in unity. Come, be fed physically and spiritually! Spread the word and enjoy food and fellowship.
For more information or questions see or call Min. Rich Berry @ 267-210-6232
Attention: 2025 HS Graduates
~2025 Scholarship Applications~
All High School graduates planning to further their education by attending college or trade school should stop by the church office to pick up a scholarship application from Theresa West Brown. Applications are due Thursday, May 25, 2025.
All High School graduates will be honored at a special luncheon in June!
Weekly Bible Study
Wednesday Noon and Thursday Night Zoom Bible Study...
Wednesday, March 12th @ Noon and Thursday, March 13th @ 7pm on Zoom (see Zoom link below).
Men's Bible Study...
Tuesday, March 11th @ 6:30pm in the LBB Room
Inviting all Men to join us as we study and grow in the knowledge of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Next Class is Thursday, March 13th @ 7pm
Thursday Night Bible Study will be on Zoom...
The Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 822 6878 8795 Passcode: 789384
Come grow Spiritually with us!
Mt. Pleasant Family Outreach Clothing Drive...Hosted by the
Missionary Ministry & Deaconess Ministry
Start getting those clothing together...
...Bring new or gently used men, women, children's clothing, accessories, and shoes to the church on...
Saturday, April 5th & April 12th between the hours of 9am - 2pm for the clothing drive.
For questions, contact Carolette Holmes at 215-300-5511
Calling All High Schoolers...
Spread the word and join 9th, 10th, 11th & 12th graders every 2nd and 3rd Sunday in the LBB room right after announcements.
The next meeting will be Sunday, March 9th. Spread the Word!
If you missed Dates, Times or an Announcement...
check here on the
scroll down from the Events tab until you see the announcement needed.
Announcements are also posted on the Church Facebook page and the MPBC App.
Attention: New Church Members
If you are a new member and haven't started or completed your new member's classes online, the Assimilation Ministry will help you complete them so you can receive the Right Hand of Fellowship.
For help getting started again contact Deacon Jerome Davis @ 610-299-7334 or email
Attention Please...
All announcements must be handed into the church office every Tuesday by 12 Noon.
Please make sure to adhere to this deadline.
**Graphics should be formatted in landscape/horizontal format**
Important Announcement!!
You Can Now Give Via Texting and Here's How:
2. Once account is set up text text (877) 640-6502
* Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7)*
The Worship Service is Live Streamed every Sunday @ 10:45am To view our Sermon please visit the website Live-Stream Page (click Media>Live-Stream). The sermon can also be viewed on Facebook Live, the Church APP or our YouTube Channel.
Jesus Is Lord!
Giving is made easy! There are several ways to give:
- Online Giving (via Website)
- MPBC APP (Giving Icon)
- Church Drop-Off ( Wednesday & Thursday 11 AM – 2 PM)
- Mail (Church Address)
- Text the dollar amount to (877) 640-6502
*...And In-Person During Sunday Morning Worship*
610-497-1144 Ext. 0
Service Times:
Sunday School: 9:30am
Sunday Worship: 10:45am
Office Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-4:30pm
Friday: 9:00am-1:00pm
© Copyright 2024 | All Rights Reserved | Mount Pleasant Baptist Church